Unless you live under a rock without wifi, you’re aware of the digital creator economy by now. One of the major players in that economy recently hit a major milestone: $20 billion paid out to the content creators that keep the money flowing. While many think that OnlyFans is just a source of homemade porn, it’s actually way more than that. The adults-only platform may have a reputation for being the naughty little corner of the internet, but it’s actually responsible for revolutionizing the way creators are able to monetize their content, explicit or no.
While OnlyFans does indeed take a cut of the earnings of content creators, those content creators keep 80% of their revenue, yielding only 20% to the platform. There is no cap placed on how much money they can earn through the content that they post, nor do content creators have to wait for someone else to tell them that they’ve landed a role, or have been chosen to participate in a video; they are fully in control of their channels. They can produce content whenever they want, but more importantly; they have final say over everything they create. Nobody else is dictating what OnlyFans models do, or the kind of content they produce, and aside from the 20% that the platform takes, they’re the only ones who reap the financial benefits of their work.
For so many content creators, especially those who are women in the adult entertainment industry, that kind of independence and autonomy over their creative work and their finances has been unheard of. Being able to earn as much money as they want and being in control of those earnings is life-changing when that isn’t something that’s been feasible before.
The kind of freedom that comes with OnlyFans doesn’t exclusively benefit adults-only content creators. Athletes who need to fund their careers use OnlyFans to pay for training. Artists are able to get their work seen by utilizing OnlyFans channels, same for musicians, hair and makeup artists, culinary artists, and so many more. OnlyFans has given creators a way to be paid for the work that they’re passionate about without having to find an agent or other kind of middleman to grant them access to the means of earning a living.
Empowering creators to make a living wage without having to participate in jumping through the hoops that traditional industries require these creators to jump through has been revolutionary. It turns out that content creators— whether they’re sharing their nonna’s meatball recipe, or stripping down on camera— just want to be able to create; and when you make it easier for them to reap the benefits of their work, they’re more likely to continue to do so.
OnlyFans has revolutionized the way creators approach the practical side of the work that they do. Being able to attain financial freedom while participating in the work that they love is a powerful motivator, and that motivation has helped OnlyFans cross the milestone of being able to pay $20 billion to the content creators that have helped to make it one of the most lucrative platforms on the internet.
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