If there’s one thing society doesn’t like, it’s female empowerment that doesn’t involve a pantsuit. Granted, society doesn’t seem to love that either, so you might as well go about it in a way that suits you. Empowerment looks different for every woman, and for some women? Selling access to themselves via OnlyFans is the ultimate power grab, or so says OnlyFans CEO Keily Blair.
OnlyFans is an adults-only platform that has gained a reputation for being everyone’s favorite naughty corner of the internet. Looking for explicit content? You’ll find it there. On the other hand, if you’re after cooking tutorials without wading through ads or being pushed to buy whatever cookware influencers are hawking these days, you’ll find those too. OnlyFans is constantly making headlines—partly because many of the content creators on the platform make quite a pretty penny, but mostly because creators of explicit content have a tendency to let certain details of their shenanigans slip on main. Do a quick Google search for Lily Phillips, and you’ll see what we mean. Regardless of the reason, OnlyFans has exploded in popularity over the past four years, offering countless women the opportunity to foster financial independence while setting their own working terms and boundaries.
Ultimately, empowerment is about being able to choose what you want for yourself. The power of choice is beautiful because not everyone is going to choose the same thing. On the flip side, what one woman finds empowering, another might find distasteful—but both women should be free to make their own choices. Society isn’t always going to nod its collective head and say, “Yes, good. Good for you choosing what you want,” especially when the choice involves stripping down for a camera to collect $15 a month from subscribers. But you’d hardly be the first content creator to ignore naysayers while cashing in. Numerous creators on OnlyFans do exactly that. And let’s face it, ignoring criticism is a lot easier when you’re bringing in six figures a month doing what you love.
Critics of OnlyFans often accuse the platform of exploitation and drag debates about human sexuality back to the Puritan age. However, content creators on OnlyFans set their own terms: when they work, what kind of content they produce, and whether they produce explicit content at all. Every creator on the platform is there consensually—there’s no exploitation in that. Plus, they’re not waiting for production teams to take their cut before they get paid. OnlyFans skims a measly 20% off the top, and the rest goes straight to the creators. And when it comes to human sexuality? As long as everyone involved is a consenting adult, what business is it of yours if another woman finds it empowering to sell explicit images of herself? Empowerment doesn’t come in a one-size-fits-all model, and only celebrating women’s choices when they align with socially acceptable norms is downright hypocritical.
It’s about more than just money—though, let’s not lie, the money is important. OnlyFans gives creators control over their brand, content, interactions, work schedule, and earnings. That level of autonomy circles back to the power of choice, which is the real empowerment here. Less than 50 years ago, women couldn’t even open their own credit card accounts. Today, being fully in control of their earnings and having financial autonomy is a powerful thing.
The financial and personal freedoms OnlyFans offers come at a price. Society isn’t yet comfortable with women profiting from their sexuality, compared to the leniency men are often afforded. Many women on OnlyFans flip the script on societal expectations: instead of clutching their pearls at objectification, they say, “Fine, but you have to pay me first.” If women are going to be objectified regardless of their consent, why is it so wrong for them to profit from it?
Empowerment and the power of choice come with the uncomfortable truth that not everyone will agree with the choices you make. It’s up to each woman to decide whether she’s okay with that. No one woman can make decisions that align with the personal values of everyone she encounters—and that’s okay. It’s her life, not theirs, and she owes it to herself to make sure it’s one she enjoys living.
Embracing empowerment means accepting a variety of choices, even those that don’t align with what you’d choose for yourself. At the end of the day, many women find OnlyFans to be a fierce source of empowerment, even if it doesn’t always appear that way to others.
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