Coo-coo-cachoo, Mrs. Robinson, this is a new way for you to bond with your daughter… or whatever Simon & Garfunkel said. An OnlyFans model who goes by the name Jade and her mom, Dani, are both expecting babies. But that’s not the weird part. Are you sitting down? Both women were knocked up by the same dude.
Nick Yardy is a YouTuber—because of course he is—and he’s put buns in both ovens. This family sheds a whole new light on “keeping up with the Joneses.”
So… how the hell did this happen? Well, before you think about it too hard and your brain serves up images you’ll never unsee, apparently, the trio has been in some sort of relationship for more than a year and a half. Meaning family dinners have been an experience for all involved for at least that long.
Jade is expecting a daughter she plans to name Nicole, and Dani—reminder: she’s also Jade’s mom—is having a boy she’s planning to name Nick Jr. That name is certainly ironic because this family is more likely to fit in with the Maury Povich crowd than with Nickelodeon.
Here’s the most bizarre piece of the family puzzle: all three adult parties involved appear to be perfectly happy with this unconventional setup. As far as they’re concerned, their love story may be weird, but it works for them. Social media may be having kittens trying to process this strange family unit, but they don’t mind.
It’s only a bummer that Freud is dead because man would have had a blasty blast trying to make sense of this boondoggle.
Now, to address the elephant in the room: willingly sharing a baby daddy with your mother is… a choice. And being pregnant at the same time as your mom by the same guy? Do they have the same pregnancy cravings? Are they swapping ultrasound pics like BFFs?
Future family reunions are going to get interesting, because while both babies will ultimately refer to Nick as “Dad,” one kid will be arguing with their mom while the other stares at her uncle like, “Why are you talking back to Grandma?”
Regardless of the raised eyebrows this bizarre family encounters—and how complicated raising these soon-to-be confused children is going to get—they’re happy the way they are and are eager to welcome their tiny humans into their very strange family unit.
You’ve got to hand it to them—this is one way to force the world to learn that modern relationships are vastly different from how humans used to pair up to procreate and raise tiny humans. The internet may be screaming, but Jade, Dani, and Nick seem completely unfazed.
At the very least, they still outnumber the babies, so there will always be one grown-up on duty while the other two take a break.
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