Ah, TikTok. One day you’re scrolling through a sea of Timothee Chalamet‘s and election doom, the next you’re knee-deep in a controversy involving an OnlyFans creator and a bunch of Schoolies. Welcome to the wild world of Bonnie Blue.

Who is Bonnie Blue?
Bonnie Blue is a 25-year-old British OnlyFans creator. Her niche on the platform is making videos of herself with young men, who are, as she likes to call it, “barely legal”. She’s been all over the world to help recent graduates “celebrate”, and has gone viral for sleeping with over 122 young college men during Cancun’s spring-break parties. Bonnie now has her sights set for the Gold Coast’s Schoolies — that magical time when fresh-faced 18-year-olds celebrate the end of high school by doing things their parents would rather not know about.
“Me and Annie Knight are gonna be outside the Meriton Surfers Paradise and we want to pleasure you and help you celebrate finishing school,” she said in a recent TikTok.
As someone who grew up on the Gold Coast and went to Schoolies, it was fairly common to see many a Toolie (someone who attends Schoolies that didn’t just graduate) hanging around the area looking to do the same. This time it seems to be on a much more public scale.
For Bonnie it will be her second time doing this at Schoolies. This year’s plan will go down on November 18 and the encounters will be filmed and uploaded to Bonnie’s OnlyFans account.
People are mad, to say the least
Naturally, this hasn’t gone down well in the court of public opinion. A Change.org petition has started making the rounds, calling for Bonnie’s Australian visa to be cancelled.

One user on X said, “Bonnie Blue is a full blown predator profiting off of taking advantage of young boys. If this was a man with freshly 18 girls there’d be genuine life ruining uproar. But because it’s a woman doing it to freshly 18 boys we’ll have stopped talking about it this time next week.”
Some people think that this whole situation is a marketing ploy. In one of her videos, she asks a group of “dads and sons” if they’re ready to “bonk” her, which is met with cheers. However, the Daily Mail reported this group might actually consist of fellow adult content creators, leading some people to believe that her Schoolies stint will also be somewhat manufactured.

Even if this is all for show, it’s definitely having an impact. Model and TikToker Jeff Kisubi chimed in with concerns on how the stunt will effect the way young people will now interact with sex. “There is so much harm and risk involved when you normalise and glamourise exploitive behaviours especially when there’s a possibility of an underage minor getting involved,” he said.
“Content like this is not only immature but it sends a dangerous message when minors and underage kids think that these types of behaviours is okay and potentially can lead to them being a victim to this said individual.”
TikToker Chloe Forelo argues that although she agrees with the fact that Bonnie’s actions may be “harmful”, it doesn’t give people permission to spew mysoginistic hate.
“Bonnie Blue’s behaviour should not give you the opportunity to promote regressive ideologies yourself,” she started.
“When we observe hyper-sexuality and promiscuity in women, we are always going to assume that something is wrong, when that’s not always the case. There’s going to be women that just enjoy sex more than other women do.”
Bonnie Blue is fighting back
No matter what the internet thinks, it’s clear that Bonnie is not backing down without a fight. In an interview with the Gold Coast Bulletin Bonnie stated, “These people are 18 — they’re consenting adults. We check ID, we have a process—they are consenting and they are signing consent forms.”
Her process involves checking participants ID’s, having them sign a consent form and do a breathalyser test.
“I receive backlash for sleeping with barely legal 18-year-olds, but the key word in that sentence is ‘legal’,” she said in a statement to News.com.au.
“Rather than comment on my TikToks, people should complain to the government to increase the age from 18 to 21. I’m only complying with Australian law, if it rises to 21 I will then film with barely legal 21-year-olds.”
Bonnie may hit a few more roadblocks other than the determined petition. Sexual abuse survivor and activist Harrison James reached out to Meriton Suites to see what the hotel group were doing about the situation. Apparently their headquarters are aware of what’s happening and are determining what actions to take. However, because they are partly a residential building they aren’t able to regulate what residents to.

Bonnie Blue has not yet responded directly to the petition and seemingly still plans to come to Australia.
Lead image: Bonnie Blue/ Instagram/ TikTok
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